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Lewisboro Community Volunteer Fair returns

The annual Lewisboro Community Volunteer Fair returns to the Lewisboro Library on Saturday, March 1, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The fair matches would-be volunteers with local organizations in need of help. Organizers say it’s a great way to find out about all the volunteer opportunities in the area.

Stop by and speak with representatives of local groups who will have tables at the library with information on their services and volunteer needs.

There are volunteer opportunities for adults and teens. 

The fair is the perfect way for newcomers to discover what the town has to offer, for retirees to put their skills to work in volunteer positions and for families to teach the importance of giving back to others. It is also a good opportunity for high school seniors to learn about potential senior internships.

Lewisboro Library is located at 15 Main St., South Salem. For more information, visit

Caramoor president leaving at end of March

Caramoor President and CEO Edward J. Lewis III will leave the organization March 31 to pursue new opportunities closer to his home in Washington, D.C.

In his four-year tenure, Lewis led the institution through a complex post-COVID environment, and materially contributed to the venerable legacy of Caramoor and the Rosen House.

Working in partnership with the board of trustees and Caramoor staff, Lewis led the finalization and implementation of a strategic plan aimed at ensuring a sustainable path for Caramoor’s future. The initiatives of this plan included diversifying musical programming, a renewed commitment to building new audiences through meaningful and relevant community engagement, and an increased leveraging of technology and data to improve operations and inform strategic decisions.


Bedford Police Report July 1-7

Property line dispute leads to order of protection

A resident of Katonah, male, 59, was arrested Tuesday, July 2, at 10:30 a.m., on North Street, Katonah, charged with felony level criminal mischief and property damage. Police said the man was involved in an ongoing property line dispute with his neighbor who lives in the house next door which was previously owned by the man’s family. The building department is involved with the dispute, the police said.

The man, who initiated the call, was determined by police to have ripped siding off the other man’s home in retaliation for what he said was the other man’s contractor coming onto his property. The homeowner whose siding was destroyed told police he wanted to pursue charges. An order of protection was put in place protecting the homeowner and his property. The arrested man was taken to headquarters and then to town court where he was arraigned by a judge and released on his own recognizance. He returns to court July 17.

Driver admits drinking, failed sobriety test

A resident of Greenwich, Conn., male, 35, was charged with driving while intoxicated Friday, July 5, at 10 p.m., on Bedford Road, Bedford Hills. A patrol officer traveling on Bedford Road southbound saw a car traveling in the same lane swerving repeatedly over the yellow line. A traffic stop was initiated and the operator showed signs of intoxication. There was a strong odor of alcohol inside the car, according to police. The driver admitted he had been drinking. A Spanish speaking officer was requested to administer field sobriety tests. The man failed and was arrested on scene and brought to headquarters for processing and released on his own recognizance. He returns to court July 24.

Goats on the loose on Meetinghouse Road

Two loose goats were reported on Meetinghouse Road, Bedford Hills, Saturday, July 6, at 3:16 p.m. The caller said they were eating his shrubs. Police spoke with the goats’ owner who was in the process of retrieving his goats and said he was building a more secure pen for them.


Monday, July 1

9:04 a.m. — A driver making a U-turn in a dealership parking lot on Bedford Road, Bedford Hills, accidentally struck an exterior wall of a building on the property. No one was injured, no citations were issued and there was no tow.

8:17 p.m. — A caller on Stone Paddock Place, Bedford, was concerned about an Amazon delivery at what they felt was a late hour. They said they watched the vehicle come through their gate and then quickly leave before going on to do the same at another home; they suspected the driver was possibly scouting homes for potential criminal activity. Police went to the location and found a small package by their front entrance. The caller was informed a delivery had been made.

Tuesday, July 2

8:39 a.m. — A caller on Meadow Lane, Katonah, reported a raccoon trapped in an outdoor trash bin; he said it wasn’t injured. He was advised he could kick over the can to release the raccoon, but declined and requested assistance. An officer went to the home and kicked over the can, and the raccoon scurried out and left the location.

5:04 p.m. — A woman holding a sign was reported peddling on Old Post Road, Bedford. Police said she was gone on their arrival.

Wednesday, July 3

10:02 a.m. — A highway department employee reported he was bitten on the hand by a dog while working on Mustato Road, Katonah, directing traffic. He said a dog walking past with its owner nipped him on the hand, puncturing the skin. The owner apologized and the dog control officer followed up. A report was filed with the county health department.

8:12 p.m. — A resident of Bedford Hills, male, reported he burned his foot and leg while at home cooking. On arrival police saw an elderly man icing his leg. He said he had been boiling water and spilled it. Katonah Bedford Hills Volunteer Ambulance Corps arrived on scene but he declined medical treatment.

Thursday, July 4

4:23 p.m. — Police went to a home in Bedford Hills for a report of a disoriented male. They spoke with the man’s son, who said his father, 76, was pale and slurring his words. He said his father might have taken additional doses of pain medication. Narcan was administered and the man was given oxygen. He was transported to Northern Westchester Hospital by the Katonah Bedford Hills Volunteer Ambulance Corps.

12:00 a.m. —Drag racing was reported on South Bedford Road, Bedford Hills. Police saw no activity on their arrival.

Friday, July 5

9:21 a.m. — Police and Bedford firefighters went to a home on Harris Road, Katonah, for a reported deck fire. They spoke with the homeowner’s neighbor who noticed the gas fire pit on his neighbor’s deck was still burning. Fire personnel turned off the gas supply and extinguished the fire. The county fire and origin team arrived on scene. The team determined the ignition had not been completely turned off.

10:20 p.m. — A resident of Douglas Drive, Katonah, reported a scraping sound outside their house, possibly caused by wildlife in or near trash cans. Police searched the area with negative results.

Sunday, July 7

11:40 a.m. — A caller on Old Post Road, Bedford, expressed concern about the condition of the ceiling in their apartment located above a restaurant. Police entered her unit and said the ceiling appeared on the verge of collapse and unsafe for her habitation. She said she would speak to the superintendent of the building and there was no further police action. The building department was notified by police of the ceiling condition. It was unclear if the tenant stayed in the apartment after police left. 

3:21 p.m. — A resident of Long Ridge Road, Bedford, gave conflicting reports of activity on her property. She initially told police her uncles came to her home asking for money. She later reported an unknown number of men she didn’t recognize came to her door asking for money. She stated that one man looked in her windows but fled when she saw him. Police spoke to several men who share the caller’s last name. They said they were unemployed and wanted money from the caller. She contacted police two hours later to say the men returned and were ringing her doorbell. They were gone on police arrival. She gave the police a contact number and an officer spoke with that person who said there were ongoing money issues within the family. No further action was taken at this time.

8:48 p.m. — A woman came to headquarters to report she struck a dog on Jefferson Lane, Bedford. She said as she was leaving a friend’s home, a small white dog ran out in front of her car. She said she thought she struck it with her bumper, but then saw the dog running off. She saw the pet reuniting with its owner who was quite upset by the incident, and thought it best if she went to the station to file a report.

— Eve Marx, The Recorder staff writer

This report was made from official reports provided by the Bedford Police Department.

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