As you work your way through your holiday shopping list, here are some ways you can buy gifts that also support great causes
By Mary Scully MacLean
The Community Center of Northern Westchester, located at 84 Bedford Road, Katonah, seeks to improve the well being and self-sufficiency of neighbors in need in northern Westchester by providing equitable access to food, clothing, programs and other resources. This long-established center for community service now has two outposts where you can shop while supporting CCNW and your neighbors.
The Community Shop, located at 196 Katonah Ave., Katonah, has vintage clothing, shoes and jewelry that are one-of-a-kind finds at amazing prices. For your vintage-loving family and friends, they also offer gift cards. Feel good gifting because Community Shop proceeds go back to CCNW to help stock the food pantry and run their classes and programs.
The Community Studio, located at 284 Katonah Ave., Katonah, has a wide selection of items handmade by their makers, graduates of the CCNW sewing and occupational training programs. Choose from toys, woven baskets, hats, gloves, scarves, wine bags and more, from $10 and up. All products are handmade, and all the profits go back to the makers.
You also can make a gift to CCNW in honor of a friend or loved one for the holidays. CCNW will send a personalized letter or email with the notification of your gift made in their honor. For more information, visit communitycenternw.org.
Buy a book for Hour Children
This holiday season the Reading Room, located at 19 Edgemont Road, Katonah, is again collecting book donations in support of the families involved at Hour Children. Hour Children supports incarcerated moms and their children in maintaining their bond within and beyond the prison walls. Purchasing a new book for a child supports their relationship with their mother while encouraging literacy. Stop by and pick a paperback book to donate. Currently Hour Children is in particular need of books for adolescents and babies.
Help a local library
Our community knows how invaluable the services, books and programs are at our wonderful local libraries. Show how much you care for your loved ones and your library by supporting the libraries in someone’s name. You can dedicate it as a gift and they will receive an email acknowledgement from the library.
To donate to Katonah, Bedford and Bedford Hills libraries, visit katonahlibrary.org; bedfordfreelibrary.org; bedfordhillsfreelibrary.org and click on the “Annual Appeal” tabs.
For the Pound Ridge Library, you may donate through the Pound Ridge Library Foundation at poundridgelibraryfoundation.org/ways-to-give/. Donate to the Foundation in the name of your gift recipient and earmark your gift to a specific program, facility or piece of equipment in the library
Give Audubon programs a lift
Support Bedford Audubon by giving a gift membership that will directly impact Bedford Audubon’s conservation efforts. Your contribution will support their high-quality environmental education programs, research and birdwatching experiences. To make a donation, visit bedfordaudubon.org.
Adopt a wolf
You can support the work of the Wolf Conservation Center, located at 7 Buck Run, South Salem, by adopting a wolf in someone’s name. There are now seven new red wolves from storm-ravaged North Carolina making their home at the WCC. Adeyha, Oak, and their five pups — Juniper, Cedar, Sassafras, Maple and Tupelo — are among the WCC pack awaiting symbolic adoption through sponsorships. Sponsorships help pay for the care and protection of wolves as well as provide education and programs and there are many levels of sponsorship. To make a donation, visit nywolf.org.
Caramoor is the destination for exceptional music, programs, and spectacular gardens and grounds. Its mission also includes mentoring young professional musicians and providing educational programs for young children centered around music.
Their legendary afternoon teas include sumptuous pastries and tea sandwiches in Old World style in the beautiful Music Room at the Rosen House. Tickets are available for the January teas, which will offer a celebration of the Lunar New Year at Rosen House with a special viewing of its stunning collection of Chinese art. Or surprise someone with a Valentine’s Day High Tea on Feb. 13 or 14. For tickets and more information, visit caramoor.org.
The Katonah Museum of Art
The KMA presents three to four major exhibitions annually across a spectrum of artistic disciplines, cultures and historical periods. KMA also offers programs, lectures and workshops designed for visitors of all ages. The Pollack Family Learning Center uses a visual and interactive environment that encourages children and their parents to participate in hands-on projects. The outdoor Sculpture Garden displays contemporary works throughout the year. A gift membership at any level helps to support all of KMA’s work. For more information, visit katonahmuseum.org.