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Lewisboro Community Volunteer Fair returns

The annual Lewisboro Community Volunteer Fair returns to the Lewisboro Library on Saturday, March 1, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The fair matches would-be volunteers with local organizations in need of help. Organizers say it’s a great way to find out about all the volunteer opportunities in the area.

Stop by and speak with representatives of local groups who will have tables at the library with information on their services and volunteer needs.

There are volunteer opportunities for adults and teens. 

The fair is the perfect way for newcomers to discover what the town has to offer, for retirees to put their skills to work in volunteer positions and for families to teach the importance of giving back to others. It is also a good opportunity for high school seniors to learn about potential senior internships.

Lewisboro Library is located at 15 Main St., South Salem. For more information, visit

Caramoor president leaving at end of March

Caramoor President and CEO Edward J. Lewis III will leave the organization March 31 to pursue new opportunities closer to his home in Washington, D.C.

In his four-year tenure, Lewis led the institution through a complex post-COVID environment, and materially contributed to the venerable legacy of Caramoor and the Rosen House.

Working in partnership with the board of trustees and Caramoor staff, Lewis led the finalization and implementation of a strategic plan aimed at ensuring a sustainable path for Caramoor’s future. The initiatives of this plan included diversifying musical programming, a renewed commitment to building new audiences through meaningful and relevant community engagement, and an increased leveraging of technology and data to improve operations and inform strategic decisions.


Lewisboro Police Report July 1-7

Monday, July 1

9:46 a.m. — Police went to a residence in Cross River for a report of a misbehaving male teen. On arrival, police learned that the teen had damaged family property after being upset over limits on his internet access. Police said they have been to the home multiple times in the past for family-related issues. The teen said he wanted to see a doctor and was transported to Northern Westchester Hospital by Lewisboro Volunteer Ambulance Corps.

11:50 a.m. — A cyclist was struck by a car in Katonah in the vicinity of Increase Miller Road and Diane Court. The driver said he was distracted and did not see the cyclist. The cyclist collided with the side hood of the car and complained of hip and leg pain and knee abrasions. He was transported to Westchester Medical Center by Lewisboro Volunteer Ambulance Corps. The bicycle, slightly damaged, was removed by his daughter.

3:38 p.m. — Officers were dispatched to Lake Kitchawan Drive, South Salem, for an ongoing dispute between neighbors. The caller said her neighbor continually honks her car horn at her when their cars pass each other. The two parties have argued in the past about street parking, and on this day were reportedly shouting at each other. An officer told the neighbor the street is public and anyone can park on it. Both parties were instructed to leave each other alone, and the neighbor was advised to stop honking when their cars pass.

4:15 p.m. — A resident of Twin Lakes Road, South Salem, told police they have found bullets in their driveway and inside one of their vehicles. The resident spoke of family issues including money owed to another relative. Police made contact with the relative, who denied knowledge of the bullets. Police advised the relative to avoid contact with the caller.

Tuesday, July 2

10:30 a.m. — A South Salem resident came to headquarters to report an issue related to an ongoing domestic dispute involving cars. The complainant said her husband took the keys and license plates from one car, a Ferrari, and blocked the driveway with his own car. The husband said he would return the keys and the plates to the residence in a few hours. A New York state domestic incident report was completed.

1:09 p.m. — A caller in South Salem reported her gray-and-white tabby cat ran outside the house when a cable repair person was working there. She was advised by the police to post a notice of the missing cat on Facebook after an officer searched the area with negative results.

7:09 p.m. — A resident of Goldens Bridge was assisted in his home by a police officer and a Lewisboro firefighter after his aide said they were unable to lift the man.

8:17 p.m. — Police went to a home on Peach Court, Goldens Bridge, after a caller who works remotely with the resident was unable to reach the man for five days. Police went to the resident’s home and spoke with him through the front door because he declined to open it. He said he had responded to his co-worker’s text. The responding officer said the man’s voice seemed fine and saw no need for further action.

Wednesday, July 3

2:05 p.m. — A male wearing winter clothing was reported as suspicious in the vicinity of Route 138 and Increase Miller Elementary School. Police searched for him with negative results.

Thursday, July 4

10:35 a.m. — Officers went to a residential complex on Beekman Lane, Goldens Bridge, for a report of an argument between neighbors. A male upstairs neighbor told police he wanted to enjoy the holiday and would not tolerate noise coming from the unit below. The downstairs tenant said the man confronted her in the complex’s parking area in front of her children. Both parties agreed to stay away from each other.

Friday, July 5

10:30 a.m. — A resident of Woodcock Knoll, Cross River, reported ongoing harassment from a neighbor who has been the subject of her complaints for failure to follow the condo’s rules. Police spoke to the neighbor who denied issues raised by the complainant. Both parties were advised to take up any ongoing problems between them with the condo association.

9:20 p.m. — Police returned to the Beekman Lane complex in Goldens Bridge, where the woman accused her upstairs neighbor of intentionally making noise to harass her. She said the behavior disturbed her children’s sleep and made her fearful. Police advised her to contact the building management.

Saturday, July 6

1:37 p.m. — A South Salem man came to headquarters to make a report about his ex-wife’s

current husband, whom he accused of sending him disturbing emails. An order of protection was already in place, and the complainant’s attorney had taken the matter to family court. He requested a new order of protection be served at his ex-wife’s home. Police went to that residence with the new order. The ex-wife’s current husband admitted to sending the emails and said he would stop and abide by the court order.

Saturday, July 6

6:29 p.m.— A female, 90, reported unresponsive but breathing, was transported to Northern Westchester Hospital by Lewisboro Volunteer Ambulance Corps and Westchester EMS for possible heat exhaustion. Earlier, LVAC also transported a Katonah resident to the hospital for possible heatstroke.

Sunday, July 7

4:47 p.m. — A person stung by a bee and having an allergic reaction was administered an EpiPen by co-workers prior to police arrival and was transported from their office on Smith Ridge Road, South Salem, to Norwalk Hospital by unknown medical personnel.

8:25 p.m. — A girl, 5, from Goldens Bridge, was reported having a seizure. On arrival by first responders, the child seemed fine and the ambulance was canceled. A paramedic stayed with the family to observe her and police left the scene.

— Eve Marx, The Recorder staff writer

This report was made from official reports provided by the Lewisboro Police Department.

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