Monday, Feb. 10
4:24 p.m. — A resident of Goldens Bridge, male, 71, was taken from his home by Lewisboro Volunteer Ambulance Corps to Northern Westchester Hospital for a high fever.
Tuesday, Feb. 11
10:40 a.m. — A disabled truck carrying propane was reported stuck in snow on Route 22 in Goldens Bridge. The operator told police he was attempting to make a delivery when he got stuck in a driveway. A tow company arrived and the vehicle was assisted out of the snowbank.
4:10 p.m. — Police went to a home in South Salem and spoke with family members who said their daughter, 16, was screaming and throwing objects around the home and threatening self-harm. Police waited outside her bedroom while she got dressed and stayed with her until she agreed to get in the ambulance and be taken to Northern Westchester Hospital for evaluation.
Wednesday, Feb. 12
10:20 a.m. — A husky dog was reported in the roadway on Route 35 in South Salem. Police looked for the dog but it was gone prior to their arrival.
11:40 a.m. — Police went to a home in South Salem to check on a resident after a friend requested a welfare check after not hearing from their friend after phoning them several times. After multiple attempts to make contact, police say the resident finally came to the door, said they were fine and they’d been in the shower.
4:25 p.m. — A female who left Four Winds Hospital without authorization was reported by staff. An officer located her on Old Shop Road and took her back to the hospital.
7:00 p.m. — A resident of South Salem, female, complaining of elbow and knee pain after she tripped over her dog was taken to Northern Westchester Hospital by Lewisboro Volunteer Ambulance Corps and Westchester EMS. Police said she also had a bloody nose.
9:45 p.m. — A driver who told police he didn’t know where he was, how he got to New York or how to open the car door was assisted after being pulled over for driving very slowly and in the wrong lane on Route 35,Cross River. His son was contacted and described to police his father’s medical condition. He was taken to Northern Westchester Hospital by Lewisboro Volunteer Ambulance Corps and his car was towed for safekeeping. No further information was provided.
10:45 p.m. — A garbage compactor that caught on fire was extinguished on the John Jay High School campus in Cross River. The South Salem Fire Department was on scene and no injuries were reported.
Thursday, Feb. 13
11:14 a.m. — A Waccabuc resident complaining of chest pain was taken to Northern Westchester Hospital by Lewisboro Volunteer Ambulance Corps.
14:16 p.m. — A car and a deer collided on Route 138, Goldens Bridge. The car was able to be driven from the scene; no information on the deer was reported.
10:15 p.m. — Icy road conditions were reported on various roads in Waccabuc including Mead, Main, Spring, Autumn Ridge and Post Office roads. Also Chapel Road, Lambert Ridge Road, Bouton Road and Rock Shelter Road. The highway department was notified to deploy salt trucks.
Friday, Feb. 14
10:26 a.m. — An employee at a preserve in Cross River reported, not for the first time, a section of fencing cut bordering the preserve. He said he mended the fence again but was going to install trail cameras.
12:20 p.m. — Police pursued a black Nissan Altima traveling eastbound on Route 35 that continually crossed the double yellow line. Emergency lights and sirens were activated but the car took off at a high rate of speed. The vehicle was pursued into Connecticut where the officer lost sight of it. Police say the plates were switched and were supposed to be on a rental Subaru out of New Britain, Conn.. The car apparently was involved in an attempted car larceny in Armonk less than an hour before. Ridgefield Police looked for the vehicle with negative results.
Saturday, Feb. 15
7:41 a.m. — A resident of South Salem, female, spitting up blood was transported by Vista firefighters to Northern Westchester Hospital.
9:10 a.m. — While patrolling Route 22 police saw a white van speeding. A traffic stop was initiated; the operator was driving with a suspended license. They were issued several tickets including one to appear in court March 3. The car was towed to impound.
5:42 p.m. — A Cross River parent reported their daughter missing after she left the house on foot four hours earlier and hadn’t returned. The parent said this has happened before. The daughter left without her phone and was unable to be contacted. She was described as wearing an orange and pink jacket and black sweatpants. Police looked for her in Cross River without success but found her on Gideon Reynolds Road where she said she had argued with her parents. The officer drove her home.
Sunday, Feb. 16
12:30 p.m. — Police and Vista firefighters assisted a man on home hospice whose oxygen was running low due to a power outage. He said he preferred not to be taken to the hospital; firefighters got a generator started and left two bottles of oxygen for him.
— Eve Marx, The Recorder staff writer. This report was made from official reports provided by the Lewisboro Police Department.