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Lewisboro Community Volunteer Fair returns

The annual Lewisboro Community Volunteer Fair returns to the Lewisboro Library on Saturday, March 1, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The fair matches would-be volunteers with local organizations in need of help. Organizers say it’s a great way to find out about all the volunteer opportunities in the area.

Stop by and speak with representatives of local groups who will have tables at the library with information on their services and volunteer needs.

There are volunteer opportunities for adults and teens. 

The fair is the perfect way for newcomers to discover what the town has to offer, for retirees to put their skills to work in volunteer positions and for families to teach the importance of giving back to others. It is also a good opportunity for high school seniors to learn about potential senior internships.

Lewisboro Library is located at 15 Main St., South Salem. For more information, visit

Caramoor president leaving at end of March

Caramoor President and CEO Edward J. Lewis III will leave the organization March 31 to pursue new opportunities closer to his home in Washington, D.C.

In his four-year tenure, Lewis led the institution through a complex post-COVID environment, and materially contributed to the venerable legacy of Caramoor and the Rosen House.

Working in partnership with the board of trustees and Caramoor staff, Lewis led the finalization and implementation of a strategic plan aimed at ensuring a sustainable path for Caramoor’s future. The initiatives of this plan included diversifying musical programming, a renewed commitment to building new audiences through meaningful and relevant community engagement, and an increased leveraging of technology and data to improve operations and inform strategic decisions.


Lewisboro Police Reports Feb. 17-Mar. 2

His wife called 911 

On Saturday, March 1, at 9:25 a.m., police went to a home in South Salem after a woman called 911 because her husband couldn’t balance their checkbook. Apparently he yelled so much his wife thought he might have a stroke. He was out taking a calming walk when police arrived. He returned and apologized to his wife.


Monday, Feb. 17

12:30 p.m. — A woman came to headquarters to say she was supposed to pick up her daughter from the child’s father, a resident of  South Salem, but he wasn’t responding to her texts and didn’t show up at their meeting place. She showed police a copy of her custody agreement. After several attempts the police contacted the father. After some conversations over the next three hours with both parties, police advised the woman to call her local police if he continues to harass her. 

Tuesday, Feb. 18

3:15 p.m. — Police went to an apartment complex in Goldens Bridge for a report of someone banging on the floor asking for help. Entry was made to that unit and police found a woman on the floor; she said she’d recently been released from the hospital and had fallen and had been on the floor since Sunday night. She was taken to Northern Westchester Hospital by TMC Transport ambulance and was described to be in good spirits but in pain. 

Wednesday, Feb. 19

12:00 p.m. — A caller said they got into a vehicular argument with another driver while traveling northbound on Route 124 near Spring Street, South Salem. The other driver was speeding behind her and then passed her by driving over the double yellow line. She filmed this with her cellphone when the other driver pulled over and began yelling at her and then followed her for a short time. She had his license plate which police said came back to a South Salem resident. Police went to that address but there was no answer. No further information was provided.

1:15 p.m. — A possibly ill or injured skunk was reported near Quincy Court. Police searched for the skunk but didn’t find it.

4:40 p.m.— Likely the same skunk was reported on Lowell Court. An officer saw it slowly walking into the woods and out of view. A decision was made to leave it alone. 

Thursday, Feb. 20

7:45 a.m. — A two-car collision occurred on Mead Street, South Salem. Both operators said they were traveling on the right side of the roadway. An accident report was completed. Personal injury was reported.

7:40 p.m. — A driver who lost control of the wheel due to slippery road conditions went off the road on Route 35, Cross River. A tow arrived to pull the vehicle off rocks and to the tow yard. No injuries were reported. 

Friday, Feb. 21

9:55 a.m. — An attempted suicide was reported at a multi-dwelling residence in South Salem. The individual was taken to Norwalk Hospital where police say nursing staff reported the person as awake and conscious. 

Saturday, Feb. 22

6:35 p.m. — Police responded to an activated burglar alarm at a residence on Bouton Road, South Salem. They saw broken glass on a rear sliding door but no footprints in the snow around it. The keyholder could not be contacted. The home’s exterior was checked and seemed secure. 

6:40 p.m. — A South Salem resident reported fraud after an unknown party used their Amazon account which has their credit information attached to food orders from Instacart and Grubhub. The complainant said this happened when they switched their phone number to another phone. They have since canceled their credit card. 

10:30 p.m. — Police went to a home in Cross River after a woman fell inside her home following a recent surgery. Westchester EMS transported her to Northern Westchester Hospital. 

Sunday, Feb. 23

5:48 p.m. — Vista firefighters and Westchester EMS responded to a South Salem home for a woman with a head injury. A guest from Scotland staying in a guest house fell on the ice two days earlier and was taken to Danbury Hospital to be treated for concussion. She still felt unwell and was taken again for further evaluation. 

6:36 p.m. — A kitchen fire was reported on Elmwood Road where two people were reported possibly trapped inside. Police on arrival were intercepted by a man who said no one was inside and the fire was extinguished. He said there was a grease fire and inside was a heavy smoke condition. South Salem firefighters arrived to ventilate the home and take charge of the situation.

Monday, Feb. 24

1:47 p.m. — An elderly woman was reported on Kitchawan Road by a caller who said she’d been outside for hours standing in the same place. Police responding spoke to her; she said she didn’t know where she was or where she lived or how long she’d been standing outside. An ambulance was requested and the woman was transported to Norwalk Hospital by Vista ambulance volunteers. 

4:20 p.m. — Two officers responded to a report of a runaway from a group home on Todd Road, Goldens Bridge. A social worker said the person left half an hour ago without her phone. An officer found her at Dunkin’ in Goldens Bridge having a drink and eating. She said a lady picked her up and dropped her off at the shopping plaza. An officer drove her back to the group home. 

Tuesday, Feb. 25

5:32 p.m. — Police went to Merritt Court, Katonah, for a disagreement between neighbors. The reporting party said she had problems with this neighbor and showed some missing branches they blamed on the neighbor. An officer spoke with the man in question who agreed he and his neighbor do not get along. He acknowledged he barely lives at his house since his wife died and mostly stays with his daughter. Police say there was no evidence he had damaged his neighbor’s property.  

9:20 p.m. — An officer was dispatched to a shopping plaza in Goldens Bridge to help settle a dispute between someone who privately sold their Mercedes-Benz  to another party. The buyer said the motor blew and they wanted their money back. The car was towed to the Mercedes-Benz dealership and police oversaw the exchange of the car and $13,000. 

Wednesday, Feb. 26

5:22 p.m. — A dead brown chicken was reported near a bus stop in Goldens Bridge. Police say there was no crime and a report was made for documentation. 

8:00 p.m. — A resident of South Salem, male, came to headquarters to report his vehicle was broken into overnight while parked in his driveway on Main Street. His Moscot sunglasses, valued at $300, were stolen. No cameras are on the property. 

Thursday, Feb. 27

8:02 a.m. — A burglary in progress was reported at a home on Beekman Lane, Goldens Bridge. The caller said she was in the shower when she heard someone inside and soon after saw a short, stocky man wearing blue sweatpants and an orange safety vest carrying several clay flower pots. She screamed at him to leave and he left. She called 911. Police found the flower pots and potting soil left by her front door. After some phone calls they found the man who verified the caller had placed an order for delivery and described entering what he thought was a foyer which was open. He described the screaming woman. He said he announced he was making a delivery from Home Depot and left immediately. The caller was apprised of the situation. Police say there was no crime. 

4:39 p.m. — Two cars collided on North Salem Road, Cross River. One driver said they were distracted by a very sick dog they’d just picked up at the vet’s office and didn’t see the other car after making a right-hand turn on a red turn signal. Police found both cars parked in a liquor store parking lot. The driver who said they were distracted said they were too rattled to drive home. Police gave them a courtesy ride and helped them bring the sick dog inside the house. 

5:50 p.m. — Two officers went to Four Winds Hospital, Cross River, after the admissions office reported a male caller who said he was on the property and had a bomb. Police searched the property with negative results. Police say the threat was a form of harassment. 

Friday, Feb. 28

12:20 p.m. — Police went to John Jay Middle School for a student who fainted in the bathroom and sustained a bloody nose. His mother was contacted and said she would take him to his pediatrician. 

3:50 p.m. — An employee at a restaurant in Cross River complained about a patron who filmed her making coffee. Police spoke to the patron who arrived in a car with Connecticut plates who said if the employee had asked him to stop filming her, he would have. Apparently there have been other issues with this patron harassing other employees. He left without further incident. 

5:20 p.m. — Youths reported skating on reservoir water on East Street, South Salem, were gone before police arrived. 

Saturday, March 1

5:50 p.m. — Police went to a home in Goldens Bridge in response to a 911 choking call. The caller said she choked on food but managed to cough it out. 

Sunday, March 2

7:34 p.m. — A caller on Ridgeland Road reported kids trespassing on their property. The caller said teens were sitting around a campfire. Police say the fire pit was close to Kitchawan Road and there was a chain-link fence around the property. The kids fled when they saw the police. The officer extinguished the fire. 

By Eve Marx, staff reporter

This report was made from official reports provided by the Lewisboro Police Department. 

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