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Bedford Police offer active shooter course

The Bedford Police Department will offer a Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events training course Wednesday, April 2, from 6 to 9 p.m., at Bedford Police headquarters, located at 307 Bedford Road, Bedford Hills.

The course, designed and built on the Avoid, Deny Defend strategy developed by Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training in 2004, provides strategies, guidance and a proven plan for surviving an active shooter event. 

Topics include the history and prevalence of active shooter events, civilian response options, medical issues and considerations for conducting drills. 

For registration and more information, email

Amphibian night hikes at Westmoreland

Westmoreland Sanctuary will hold night hikes to view amphibians Fridays, April 4 and 11, from 7 to 9 p.m.

The hikes, which are suitable for those 5 and up, will be led by Westmoreland naturalists as they search for amphibians awakening from their winter slumber. The sanctuary called them an “exciting nighttime adventure into the world of amphibians.” 

For registration and more information, visit

Westmoreland Sanctuary is located at 260 Chestnut Ridge Road, Mount Kisco



Westchester Oratorio Society appoints new conductor

David Štech is the newly-appointed artistic director and conductor of the Westchester Oratorio Society.

The Westchester Oratorio Society board of directors announced that David Štech has been hired to lead the choir, serving as artistic director and conductor, starting in September.

Štech has extensive experience leading professional and volunteer choral groups, according to WOS. Over the course of his career, he has led more than 14 choirs, 12 professional orchestras and has been involved in over 60 productions with 15 opera companies.

He is already deeply familiar with WOS, the board said in its announcement. He is married

to WOS accompanist, Mun-Tzung Wong, and a close associate of WOS former conductor, Ben Niemczyk.

“I share a passion for inspiring musicians at all levels and am eager to bring this enthusiasm to WOS,” Štech said. 

WOS is an amateur choir. It holds rehearsals from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays in the Garden

Room of the Katonah Village Library, located at 26 Bedford Road, Katonah, a short walk from the Metro- North station. New singers are welcome and no auditions are required.

This fall WOS will present the oratorio, “King David,” composed by Arthur Honegger, to be

sung in English. Rehearsals begin Sept. 10 and will continue through the fall performance at the Presbyterian Church of Mount Kisco on Nov. 23.

For more information, visit

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